Happening steering committee
What is Happening Steering Committee?
The Happening Steering Committee is the leadership group for the Happening Movement in the Diocese of East Tennessee. This group of youth and adults meets throughout the year to discuss its vitality, staff the team, plan, and review each retreat weekend. Each member of the Steering Committee is eligible to serve a two year term or serve upon graduation from high school.
The Happening Steering Committee includes the following:
Youth members:
Youth Lay Rector
Previous Youth Lay Rector
Observing Youth Lay Rector
6 Youth grades 10-12th
2 from each grade
Adult members:
Diocesan Youth Coordinator
Spiritual Director
3 Adult Advisers
Applicants must be at least a sophomore in high school.
Applicants must have served on Happening Team.
Applicants must be able to attend all Happening Steering Committee meetings, team training meetings, and Happening weekends while serving on the Steering Committee.
Applicants must be active in the life of their parish church.